Architectural Plan Review - Access Compliance

Certified Access Specialist performing an accessibility plan review.

Accessibility Plan Check

Disability Access Plan Review (also known as “ADA Plan Check”) for new construction and planned alterations is one of our most valuable services that we provide to our clients. Our CASp experts meticulously evaluate architectural plans to ensure conformance with the applicable standards. We will review the planned design of public accommodations under the 2010 ADAS and Chapter 11B of the current version of the California Building Code.

The earlier that a Certified Access Specialist (CASp) gets involved with a project, the better. The costs associated with change orders to modify non-compliant design at the end of construction can be significant. They can lead to project delays and conflict between designers and their clients. Our goal is to avoid these types of conflicts by arming our clients with the resources needed to achieve full compliance.

If a planned project is an alteration or addition to an existing facility, we always advise our clients to proactively evaluate the accessible path of travel to the area of alteration. This is an important step that is often missed or ignored during the design phase. Project delays and additional costs required for accessible path of travel improvements to meet the current standards are possible outcomes that we aim to avoid. Our qualified CASp Inspectors have years of experience evaluating these important features at nearly every type of site and occupancy.

Example of an accessibility statement often included on architectural plans.

Pro Tip

Accessibility statements are typically required by most jurisdictions to be included in architectural plans. This statement is the jurisdiction’s warning to owners and designers that the accessible path of travel may be evaluated by the building official during construction. Be sure to have the accessible path of travel inspected by a licensed architect or Certified Access Specialist (CASp) before signing an accessibility statement. We can’t tell you how many times that we have received panicked calls from contractors that fail their final inspection because of non-compliant elements on the path of travel. NOTE: The term “Path of Travel” includes: routes, restrooms, signs, drinking fountains and telephones that serve the area of alteration. 

ADA Plan Review

Our Certified Access Specialists have years of experience reviewing plans and evaluating the accessible path of travel. We highly recommend hiring a CASp Expert to support your design team from the get go. A disability access specialist will help designers and their clients avoid project delays and unnecessary change orders during construction. Upon completion of a project, we offer CASp Inspection services to ensure that the hired contractor built the accessible elements to the specified design. The owners of CASp inspected facilities are granted special legal benefits that deter serial litigants from targeting newly constructed and altered sites with “ADA lawsuits”. This is a valuable service that many designers are now offering to their clients to give them peace of mind that the project was designed in compliance with the applicable standards and to provide a layer of protection from litigation.

Our initial consultations and estimates are always free. Do not hesitate to contact our office if you have questions about construction related accessibility.